Sunday 31 May 2009


My history exam is on Tuesday and once again I am freeeaking out. I realised this morning whilst reflecting on everything I had done to revise that the majority of the time I have been trying to (indirectly) figure out a formula for the perfect essay. Is it that obvious I also study physics?

Does anybody have any useful advice about essay writing? Or about the history of Russia?

Also I am trying to find a present for my boyfriend so any suggestions I would be very grateful for :)

Thursday 21 May 2009


Something I just discovered via twitter, some of you have probably heard of it before, it's a way of audio blogging for for iPhone. I, however don't have an iPhone and therefore had not heard of it before today. I'd like to audio blog though, because one day I would like to be a radio presenter. However, when it comes to blogging I like writing - because funnily enough I'd like to write for newspapers one day as well - and I find that the content of my blogs is something that I find so much easier to write about. Writing, in my opinion, is much more inpersonal beWcause it is considered and detached from your audiance. 

Anyway, this leads on nicely to what I wanted to talk about - my future. Scary. Recently because of being on study leave I've had a lot of time away from all my school friends and my boyfriend and it's been causing me to think about what do I want to do with my life? What do I want to get out of these exams? What is the point of it all?

What is the grand plan?

That's what this blog was always going to be about, me choosing my path and taking it. I want my career as a journalist but right now I know that the results I get in my exams aren't going to be the ones I need for my chosen university (City of London Uni). And I really want to go to London. In my opinion if I don't go to uni in London that will severly decrease my chance of becoming successful as I want to be. However my Dad keeps telling me the world is not black and white. Regardless of what he thinks I do not think it is black and white, I just know that I am not an outstanding person and if I don't get the grades I need then that's the end of that. 

On a slightly brighter note I've also been thinking about me and my boyfriend when we go to uni. Actually, not really a brighter note, I was thinking about are we going to stay together when we go there? The thing is, part of me thinks I really love him and a lot of me thinks that I don't want anyone else. But does that mean we're going to stay together forever, get married, buy a house and have kids?

Life is not black and white.
But sometimes I wish it was.

Wednesday 20 May 2009


No I'm not.

I am so bad at it! I have two, yes two physics exams tomorrow and I know sooo very little! It's not that I haven't tried revising, I have tried very hard but I feel as though I am getting nowhere. Also I have already done an English exam this morning so I'm just not in the mood. 

My mind is numb. This is an issue.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

I'd rather forget about the past few weeks

So I will, and I'll start a fresh. But somehow now I can't think of anything I want to say. I'm watching Dirty Sexy Money at the moment which, I have to say, is pretty awesome. I love Jeremy Darling. 

It's official I'm going to fail my art A level. I have 3 days to finish two portfolios. Sounds plausible, no? Really? Hmm, what am I going to do. :/ Also the fact that I chose a textiles final piece and I can't sow for shit. 

On a brighter note things with me and my boyfriend are better than ever in my opinion :) everything just seems to happy and bright. What more could I ask for?

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Must Remember

to write blog tomorrow...

too tired...

long day...

interesting things to say for once....

CIAO. :)

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Why is nothing ever simple!

I have lost my theory test certificate. Why?! The other day when I needed to do my physics coursework I couldn't find my notes and now that I need something else they appear and the thing that I really need disappears! I am so stressed out this week and this is only making it a million times worse. If I don't find this I can't do my test and that's £100 wasted. I'm in London tomorrow so I have to find it NOW or I never will before my test. :'(

Friday 17 April 2009

Life is about moving forward

I had a successful day at my new job and it was mainly fun :) I got to be a runner, meaning that I ran about a lot. It's a big change from my current job at Frosts but there is no way that I can do both unless I seriously reorganise my time - if I want to pass my A levels that I'm taking in just over a month.

The differences finish pretty much with the contence of the job, I get paid basically the same (but I get my share of the tips). The hours are better in my opinion, because I work evenings so I get the days free to do my revision etc but I get to work more hours, therefore because they want me to work 2 or 3 shifts a week that's as far as I can tell about £100 a week - rather than twenty something. 

However I do a lot less work at Frosts... but that's boring! My friends there all want me to stay, I have been working there for a year though. I've managed to sort of work my way up the food chain (as much as a weekender can) and now at the pub I'm at the bottom again, being a spare part and not really knowing what I'm doing most of the time. But that'll get better, I'm working there again tonight and I don't want to be a quitter at something I've just started!

Life is about moving forward!

I love my Dad so much for that phrase, it's helped me a lot this week.
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